HerVOICE Benue Project

HerVOICE Benue Project – under Strengthening Institutions, women’s Voices, Rights, and Ending Violence against Women and Girls in Nigeria implemented by Nigerian Women Trust Fund with support from Ford Foundation
The “HerVOICE Benue Project” is dedicated to equipping women and girls in Ortese community, Guma Local Government Area (LGA) of Benue State with essential knowledge about pressing issues that impact their lives. By focusing on topics such as preventing and addressing Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and promoting girl child education, the project shall collaborate with community-based groups to eliminate the scourge of violence targeting women and girls, particularly those affected by crises.

Project Overview

The project seeks to enhance the well-being of 100 women and girls across 2 communities in Ortese. This shall be achieved through resolute advocacy for gender equity, women's rights, and pragmatic actions that will not only amplify the voices of women but also bring an end to violence directed at them throughout the state.