Breaking the Silence on Menstrual Hygiene: Empowering Adolescent Girls in Ortese IDP Camp, Guma LGA, Benue State

As Menstrual Hygiene Day approaches, DevTrain Nigeria, through the HerVoice Benue Project, is excited to announce an event to raise awareness and educate adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene management with the aim of breaking the silence in the Ortese IDP Camp, Guma LGA, Benue State.

Event Highlights:
The Menstrual Hygiene Day is scheduled for May 28, 2024, at 10:00 am, the event will include:
– Girl Talk Educational Sessions: on menstrual hygiene management.
– Hygiene Kits Distribution: Essential products to be distributed with the girls to ensure dignity.
– Interactive Q&A: An open forum for questions and sharing experiences.
– Engaging Activities: Fun and educational activities to break the silence

Why This Event Matters:
Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day or MHD) is observed annually on May 28. It aims to break menstrual taboos and raise awareness about the importance of menstrual hygiene management for women and adolescent girls worldwide.

Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated on May 28 because of the symbolism of this date. The average length of the human menstrual cycle is 28 days, and the menstruation itself lasts for about 5 days (and May is the 5th month of the year). The main goals of Menstrual Hygiene Day include breaking menstrual taboos which still exist in some societies where menstruating women are considered ritually unclean, as well as spreading information about proper menstrual hygiene.
The theme for 2024 focuses on commitments made together, as we increase awareness and action towards our common goal: a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. A world where the taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation are history. Where everyone has access to quality menstrual products, period education and period-friendly toilets.

Join Us:
We invite community members, volunteers, and supporters of menstrual hygiene education to join us. Your support can make a significant difference.

Contact Us:
For questions or involvement, visit our website or contact our event Coordinator Your participation is invaluable.

Many thanks to our Partners Youth Enterprise Assurance and Rural Development Initiative (YEARUDI) and DevTrain Volunteers Academy (DVA) as well as the support from Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF)

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